Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18, 2014

June 18, 2014

Weight in last weekend was 225.

So I still am losing the weight, but not at the rapid weight that I really wish I could. I was hoping to be at my goal of 145 by now, but it was an extreme goal. Not extreme enough for me to just give up on though. I have a New plan (which is basically what I was doing, but this time without any cheat days! Let’s get this on the road!!! Checking back in, next week.

Stop eating all simple carbs, such as flour, sugar, starchy vegetables like potatoes, and most grains. These foods cause blood sugar to spike and the pancreas to release insulin to turn all that excess sugar into fat. Cutting out these foods is one of the most important things you can do to lose weight fast.

Eat lots of fiber and green salad vegetables. Fiber will keep your stomach fuller longer, keeping the hunger pangs at bay. A diet that keeps you hungry all the time is not one that you will stick with for very long, no matter how fast the pounds come off at first. Eating lots of fiber and vegetables will also help stabilize your blood sugar, which eliminates the highs and lows following eating.

Drink lots of water and only water. Unsweetened tea and decaf black coffee are also permissible, but you will not lose weight fast if you are drinking hidden calories such as the sugar in soda pop or the cream in fancy coffee.

EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE. The only way to make your body healthier is to give it a lot of attention, and that means frequent workouts. The importance of exercise absolutely cannot be understated. Not only will it help you naturally lose weight fast, but it will give you strength and stamina you never had before and improve overall health. Cardio will get your heart rate up and burn lots of calories while you are exercising, and weight training will improve overall strength and endurance, as well as burn more calories while you are at rest.



1.            FAST FOODS AND FRIED FOODS: This isn’t something you don’t already know, but YOU have to stop eating fast food if you care about your health! The majority of fast foods and fried foods contain trans fats that are harmful to your body. If you’re still eating these types of foods, cutting them out of your diet will be the best thing you will ever do for yourself.

2.            SOFT DRINKS (SODA): This isn’t a surprise either. Soft drinks offer no nutritional value. Regular soda is loaded with sugar. Diet soda contains artificial sweeteners that aren’t any better … and they may even be worse. If soda is still one of you guilty pleasures, try cutting it out of your diet and see how much better you feel.

3.            PROCESSED FOODS AND PACKAGED FOODS: These foods, like hot dogs, salty snacks and frozen dinners, for example, usually contain a lot of preservatives that can lead to health problems. Ideally, the food you eat should not be processed at all, but the first step will be to identify the most heavily processed foods you currently eat and eliminate them from your diet.

4.            FAT FREE FOODS: This one is probably the least obvious on the list. Fat free is good, right? Wrong. Fat free foods, such as yogurts, cookies and salad dressings, are often loaded with sugar and artificial sweeteners. They usually fall into the category of highly processed foods, so the same reasoning applies. Stay away!

5.            ANY FOODS WITH TRANS FATS: Margarine, for example, is now considered by many experts to be less healthy than butter. For better overall health, use butter in moderation and, when cooking, use healthier alternatives like olive oil.


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